News & Press: HBA-DC Announcements

HBA-DC Announces Endorsements of 2024 D.C. Bar Candidates

Monday, April 29, 2024  

The Hispanic Bar Association of the District of Columbia

Announces Endorsements of 2024 D.C. Bar Candidates


(Washington, DC – Updated May 8, 2024) – The Hispanic Bar Association of DC (HBA-DC) announces endorsements for the following 2024 candidates for leadership positions with the District of Columbia Bar. “HBA-DC was impressed by the qualifications of all the endorsed candidates. Their demonstrated leadership experience as well as a commitment to diversity and public service in our community was why we ultimately decided to extend our endorsements” stated HBA-DC President Paulina Vera. “HBA-DC is confident that if these endorsed candidates are elected, they will serve the D.C. Bar well.”


Sadina Montani

Josh Mogil

Shirley Diaz -- highest endorsement
Leila Bham

Lorie Masters
Lucy Thomson


For more information, DC Bar members can click here:

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About the HBA-DC

The Hispanic Bar Association of the District of Columbia is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, voluntary legal association representing the interests of Hispanic attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and legal professionals within the greater Washington, DC area.   Its mission is promoting the professional development of Hispanic lawyers and law students; promoting equal justice and opportunities for all Hispanics; and promoting the appointment of Hispanics to leadership positions in Federal, state, and local governments, in the judiciary, and in other leadership positions.   For more information visit