What We Do

The HBA-DC is dedicated to the following principles:

  • Advancing and developing Latinos in the legal profession;
  • Promoting equal justice and opportunity for all Hispanics;
  • Educating the Hispanic community about relevant legal issues;
  • Promoting the professional development of Hispanic lawyers and law students;
  • Encouraging Latinos to enter the legal profession; and promoting the appointment of Hispanics to leadership positions in federal, state, and local governments, in the judiciary, and in other leadership positions.

To put these principles into action, the HBA-DC sponsors and/or conducts numerous activities and programs. The Association:
(1) hosts networking opportunities for members, often in cooperation with other bars and professional groups;

(2) sponsors seminars on current legal developments;

(3) comments on issues affecting Hispanics;

(4) evaluates the qualifications of candidates for executive and judicial positions, as well as for vacant positions in the D.C. Bar's Board of Governors and other bar offices, and endorses such candidates when appropriate;

(5) gathers and disseminates information on employment opportunities;

(6) publishes a newsletter to report on HBA-DC activities;

(7) conducts seminars on national and international legal, business and political issues;

(8) organizes panel events highlighting different legal careers;

(9) assists the Hispanic community in obtaining pro bono legal services;

(10) advises the membership of opportunities for participation in local government, bar, and civic boards and committees;

(11) monitors legislation concerning immigration, bilingual education, welfare reform, budget measures, and other matters that impact the Hispanic community; and

(12) sponsors a mentor-mentee program for law students.